Business Office/Administration

Welcome to Avoca School District 37’s Business Office. We are located on the second floor in the Marie Murphy School, in the District Offices. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. throughout the calendar year. The staff in the Business Office work in the following areas for the district:

· Accounts Payable
· Buildings & Grounds
· Employee Benefits
· Finance
· Food Service
· Insurance
· Payroll
· Personnel
· Purchasing
· School Fees Collection
· Transportation

Staff members are able to assist you with payments for bus, book, technology and lunch fees. Please click on the link for the Business Office Staff Directory to see who to contact if you need assistance.

You can also view the district’s budget and annual report by clicking on the links to the right. If you have any questions about the budget or school finances please contact me at  [email protected].

After a long summer of preparing for the new school year, we are very excited to see the students back in school. On behalf of the Business Office staff, I want to wish you and your family a great school year.

Tracy Miller
Chief School Business Official