Superintendent's Office

Dr. Sandra ArreguinSuperintendent-Elect's Welcome 2023 

Dear Avoca Community Members and Visitors, 

This past July, I joined the Avoca community as Superintendent-Elect. Many of you may be wondering, “What is a superintendent-elect and why does Avoca have one???” 

Superintendent-elect is a unique position. For one year, I will have the opportunity to transition into the position of Superintendent. It will be of great benefit to me to work alongside, collaborate, and learn from Dr. Kaine Osburn who retires at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. I am grateful to the Avoca Board of Education for understanding the necessity for this structure and creating the vision for this role. Avoca is a special place and it deserves the best models for leadership that exist. A thoughtful transition into the role of superintendent represents the desire from the community for the district and all of us working in it to be successful for our students. 

In addition to preparing for the superintendency at Avoca, I will actively be working toward specific objectives in the Strategic Plan related to curriculum and instruction as well as social and emotional learning. I believe that my past leadership experiences, especially those as middle school principal and assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, will serve the district well. My work will contribute in a meaningful way to fulfill our mission to inspire curiosity, cultivate academic growth, and nurture diversity in our school community. Please click HERE to learn more about what I will be working on this school year.

For my part, I will honor this commitment by bringing my whole self into the work that I do through my values, knowledge, skills, and experiences. Furthermore, I will demonstrate my love of learning through my actions: listening to students, staff, families, and the community; paying attention to and embracing the culture, traditions, and history of our schools; and prioritizing relationships and connections with the students and adults who make up the Avoca community.

I am delighted to make Avoca my second home. To those I have met, thank you for welcoming me with open arms! To those I have yet to meet, I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Sandra Arreguín, EdD